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When I...

When I am about to lose hope, you step in and let me know You are there 
sending me unknown knockings of hope on my door.
When I silently converse with You, asking you for something I really want
You sometimes give it to me but mainly You make me wait instilling patience on me 
because You know what I asked for is not right for me just yet.
When I receive some bounty, you send me a test to see if I remain true
putting me through a trial.
When I am imploded with pain and my mouth cannot convey the words held in its heart
you give me tears to heal the pain.
When I need a change in my life, you coach me into a new place with new people and influences making sure that I am in the right place to take the next step in my journey.
When I think I am alone, you send me reminders of appreciation showing me someone less fortunate than I am so that I maybe thankful.
When I lose inspiration, i need only to turn to your creations all around me to see beauty in its element. My favorite, the rose, my most beloved in this world. A reminder of the one I love, when it is placed in my palm, I can give appreciation a countless times with its beauty and texture alone, leaving me encapsulated, all thanks to You!

My dear Allah, You are always there for me...
Have a great week ahead, dear ones


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