It is often my concern that people are becoming far too self-engrossed piling up on worldly offerings. A change in mindset would admittedly be difficult to do, but over time, the benefits will override and you will notice how you stepped out of others into a person that only buys for a real need and never for a lustful want.
Understandably, sometimes a want equals a need but on every other occasion what we want is not what we need. Do we really need ten handbags? No! We just want ten handbags.
A reversal of that mentality, using the handbags, one should say, “I only need 1 handbag and when it tatters then I’ll get a new one.” Rather than have 9 other bags sitting on the shelf collecting exclusive dust, the cost of those 9 handbags can be used to gift other people, help someone or saved for the future.
I cannot stress on the internal satisfaction derived from not wanting just for the sake of it – the act of taking yourself back to simplicity is an almost healing sanity that our soul just digs into like a scoop of ice cream. Diverting your wants into appreciation is a success, for example, on your way to work each day, look up at the sky, the clouds and check out the trees and birds – they are so beautiful to look at and admiring tastefully designed craftsmanship is giving thanks to its Creator who loves to be admired.
My challenge to all of you is to hold back on buying something you really want and rather take that money and do something for someone - if you decide to do it or already have, share your thoughts with me?
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