...You know me well, you know sometimes I just don't feel like talking just because I am strange like that but I want you to know something, even in my silent days I think about you and every day I see a little bit more of you in me...I miss taking you out on a Saturday, I miss you finding amusement in the weekly jokes column, I miss you sitting in my room in the evenings telling me things, I miss your cooking too and I miss sitting in your beautiful garden which is a captured essence of your beauty.
Coming back to your qualities in me, as I get older, I see them more clearly in me with the best being courage & patience of heart. You are a braving women delivering only eloquence in what you do - I thank you for this wonderful genetic transferral, it’s made me stronger.
Yesterday I bought new sandals and they were slippery and I as I rubbed them over tar, I realised that's you – and yes they all fine now and like the ‘monkey’ I am, I walked out of the shop wearing them with the old ones in the box…something’s never change… You know when I was choosing a greeting card – I was thinking about how we used to swop the plain envelopes for colour ones and I did it again yesterday and it made me smile!
There's nothing more special that living our cherished memories day by day! Tt keeps me close to you.
I love you mama:)
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