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13th رمضان‎ 1431

I am a bit miserable today, its cold at the office and I have a headache. No fuss though I'll be better when I get home and put my head to the pillow for a snooze before futoor. I am pleased to see that many of you are still blogging over Ramadan - it been informative and interesting for me to note how my darling bloggers are spending their Ramadan around the world. 

As I write this, I am looking at the date. "13 Ramadan 1431 |23 August 2010" - Can you believe tomorrow is already two weeks into Ramadan? My gosh, how time just passes on by. I was chatting to my mother about this and she said, "That is one of the signs of judgement day drawing closer". Right she is, indeed!

Pakistan is still very much in need of our help - there are numerous initiatives on the go to help these people, so please do commit a small amount in assisting them. I was pleased to note an e-mail circular from our HR department today on a company wide collection for the Pakistan victims.  I think more companies need to do the same. Meanwhile it seems that China is also in abit of a stitch with their floods - roughly 250 000 people have been evacuated, that however, is a small number compared to Pakistan's 20 million.

Moving on, I found a really nice article today,   "From Miami to Mecca..."  covered by Christian Science monitor.com. It talks about Ramadan in different countries and there are some really nice pictures on there. It makes for a good read. On the same site, there is an interesting snippet and picture of someone reading the Quran over IPAD. Its so welcoming to see that Islamic applications are available with leading technologies. 

So let me leave you with a little bit of humour today. This is a nandos commercial filmed in Durban, South Africa. South Africa is the home of Nandos and me, ofcourse!


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